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start your Career in IT?
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Job-Ready Training:
You will no longer be a fresher at your first job

Under Auzone's dynamic training program, we elevate your skills, ensuring you stand out among candidates and confidently kickstart your career in IT. With Auzone, you're not just a fresher; you're a skilled, in-demand professional ready to make an impact.
Transform yourself from a ‘Fresher’ to ‘Junior Developer’
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Course category

Professional Courses

React JS
React JS
Dive in and learn React.js from scratch! Learn React, Hooks, Redux, React Router, Next.js, Best Practices and way more!
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React Native
React Native
Use React Native and your React knowledge to build native iOS and Android Apps - incl. Push Notifications, Hooks, Redux
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Full Stack Development - PHP Laravel with React JS
This course is built to help you understand HTML, CSS, jQuery, Php, MySql, JavaScript, Linux, Ajax, Git, Laravel, React JS
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MEA(R)N Stack Web Development
MEA(R)N Stack - Angular & React
HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Javascript, Typescript, Git, Angular, React.js, Node.js, Express.js & MongoDB
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Full Stack Development
Full Stack Development - PHP Laravel with Angular JS
This course is built to help you understand HTML, CSS, jQuery, Php, MySql, JavaScript, Linux, Ajax, Git, Laravel, Angular JS
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Angular Js
Angular JS
Master Angular (formerly "Angular 2") and build awesome, reactive web apps with the successor of Angular.js
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Learn Node.js through the creation of real-world applications using Node.js, Express, MongoDB, Jest, and other tools!
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Asp.net MVC
C# Programming, Object Oriented Development, ASP .Net Web and Windows Application Development, MS SQL, MVC
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software testing
Software Testing
Manual Testing , Java foundations, Mobile Testing, Automation Testing, Selenium IDE, Selenium Web driver, Selenium Advanced
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PHP CodeIgniter
Introduction to PHP It is a server-side programming language used to build websites. With server-side programming language it means the client will receive only the output.
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PHP Laravel
Introduction to PHP It is a server-side programming language used to build websites. With server-side programming language it means the client will receive only the output.
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Ux training
UX & Web Design Course
Launch a career as a web designer by learning HTML5, CSS3, responsive design, Sass and Figma Learn how to apply User Experience (UX) principles to your website designs.
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