React Native


React Native is an open-source framework developed by Facebook for building mobile applications using JavaScript and React. The key feature of React Native is its ability to enable the development of cross-platform mobile apps with a single codebase, allowing developers to write once and run on both iOS and Android platforms. Here's an outline of what you might find in a typical React Native course

Duration :

Offline Classroom Training : Course will be 1 to 2 months duration with live projects and sample models.

Introduction to React Native:
  • Overview of React Native and its advantages for mobile app development.

  • Setting up the development environment.

JavaScript and ES6:
  • A review of essential JavaScript concepts and ES6 features, as React Native development relies on them.

Getting Started with React Native:
  • Creating a basic React Native project.

  • Running your app on iOS and Android simulators/emulators and physical devices.

React Native Components:
  • Understanding and using core React Native components such as View, Text, Image, and ScrollView.

  • Styling components using Flexbox and style sheets.

Navigation and Routing:
  • Implementing navigation in React Native using libraries like React Navigation.

  • Creating stack navigators, tab navigators, and drawer navigators.

Handling User Input:
  • Building forms and capturing user input with components like TextInput, Button, and Touchable components.

  • Form validation and user interaction.

State Management:
  • Managing component state using the useState hook and the this.setState method.

  • Introduction to global state management solutions like Redux and MobX.

API and Data Handling:
  • Making HTTP requests to RESTful APIs using libraries like Axios or the Fetch API.

  • Handling asynchronous data with promises and async/await.

Styling and Theming:
  • Styling your app with CSS-in-JS libraries or plain CSS.

  • Creating a consistent and visually appealing user interface.

Native Modules:
  • Accessing native device features by integrating native modules and third-party libraries.

  • Using native code when necessary.

Working with Databases:
  • Storing and retrieving data using local databases or cloud-based solutions.

  • Database integration with tools like SQLite and Firebase.

Authentication and Security:
  • Implementing user authentication using Firebase, OAuth, or other authentication providers.

  • Securing mobile applications.

Push Notifications:
  • Setting up push notifications for mobile apps.

  • Implementing in-app and remote notifications.

  • Preparing your app for deployment to the App Store (iOS) and Google Play (Android).

  • App signing, building release versions, and publishing.

Testing and Debugging:
  • Testing mobile apps on real devices.

  • Debugging using tools like React Native Debugger and native development tools.

Performance Optimization:
  • Strategies for optimizing the performance of React Native applications.

  • Profiling and debugging performance issues.

Cross-Platform Development:
  • Writing platform-specific code when necessary.

  • Dealing with differences between iOS and Android.