Angular JS


AngularJS, developed by Google, is a powerful JavaScript framework primarily used for building single-page web applications (SPAs) and dynamic web applications. Key features and concepts of AngularJS include:

Duration :

Offline Classroom Training : The course will last 1 to 2 months, featuring live projects and sample models.


    Modules and component What is Component in Angular What is Module in Angular Create and Start Component Why Component are important How we create a component Create Component using CLI What is nesting Component What is Component Template Component Styles and Selectors

Setting Up the Development Environment:
  • Installing Node.js and npm.

  • Creating an initial Angular project using the Angular CLI (Command Line Interface).

Components and Templates:
  • Understanding Angular components and templates.

  • Creating and using components.

  • Data binding and interpolation in templates.

  • Working with built-in directives like ngIf, ngFor, and ngSwitch.

  • Creating custom directives.

Services and Dependency Injection:
  • Creating and using services to manage application data.

  • Dependency injection to provide services to components.

Routing and Navigation:
  • Setting up client-side routing using the Angular Router.

  • Configuring routes, route parameters, and navigation.

Forms and Validation:
  • Building and handling forms in Angular..

  • Form validation and error handling.

  • Reactive forms and template-driven forms.

HTTP Client:
  • Making HTTP requests and handling responses.

  • Integration with RESTful APIs.

  • Interceptors for global request/response handling.

  • Understanding and working with RxJS observables.

  • Handling asynchronous data in Angular.

Authentication and Security:
  • Implementing user authentication and authorization.

  • Security best practices.

  • Writing unit tests and end-to-end tests for Angular applications using tools like Jasmine and Protractor.

State Management (optional):
  • Introduction to state management solutions like NgRx for managing complex application state.

Internationalization (i18n):
  • Implementing multi-language support in Angular applications.

  • Preparing an Angular application for production.

  • Deploying to various hosting platforms.

Performance Optimization:
  • Techniques to improve the performance of Angular applications, such as lazy loading modules.