PHP CodeIgniter


A PHP CodeIgniter course typically focuses on teaching web developers how to use the CodeIgniter framework to build web applications and websites. CodeIgniter is a popular PHP framework known for its simplicity and speed, making it a valuable tool for web development.

Duration :

Offline Classroom Training : Course will be 1 to 2 months duration with live projects and sample models.

Introduction to CodeIgniter:
  • Overview of the CodeIgniter framework.

  • Understanding its features and benefits.

Setting Up Environment:
  • Installing and configuring CodeIgniter.

  • Requirements and server setup.

MVC Architecture:
  • Understanding the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern.

  • Organizing code in CodeIgniter using MVC.

  • Creating controllers and defining their actions.

  • Handling HTTP requests and routing.

  • Creating and rendering views.

  • Using templates and layouts.

  • Working with models to interact with databases.

  • Handling data retrieval and storage.

Database Integration:
  • Connecting CodeIgniter to databases (MySQL, PostgreSQL, etc.).

  • Writing database queries and using the Query Builder class.

Form Handling:
  • Creating and processing forms in CodeIgniter.

  • Validation and data submission.

Sessions and Authentication:
  • Implementing user authentication and authorization.

  • Managing user sessions and access control.

  • Best practices for securing CodeIgniter applications.

  • Preventing common security vulnerabilities.

URLs and Routing:
  • Configuring and customizing URL routing.

  • Creating SEO-friendly URLs.

Error Handling:
  • Handling and logging errors.

  • Custom error pages.

API Development:
  • Creating RESTful APIs with CodeIgniter.

  • Consuming APIs in CodeIgniter applications.

Working with Libraries and Helpers:
  • Utilizing built-in and custom libraries and helpers.

  • Extending functionality with third-party packages.

File Handling and Uploads:
  • Managing file uploads and file handling.

Testing and Debugging:
  • Testing CodeIgniter applications.

  • Debugging techniques.

Performance Optimization:
  • Techniques for improving the speed and performance of CodeIgniter applications.

Deployment and Hosting:
  • Preparing CodeIgniter applications for deployment.

  • Hosting options and considerations.

Version Control:
  • Using version control systems like Git for collaborative development.